
Why Mobile Ad Formats Will Dominate the Future of Content

When was the last time you left your house without your mobile device in hand? It might be difficult to even remember because we�re all accustomed to maintaining sharp mobile radars all day long; our smartphones are more than just communications devices, they are the basis of the majority of our daily actions. Mobile devices have essentially become fifth limbs. Because of this shift in global consumer behavior, the need for strong mobile advertisements from brands is heightened.

If brands fail to effectively communicate across mobile environments well, then they essentially fail to communicate, period. Consumers do everything on their mobile devices and brands need to resonate with consumers on these screens or else risk irrelevancy.

The State of Mobile

77% of U.S. adults now own smartphones, and many depend on their devices as their primary means of at-home internet access. With 60% of searches coming from mobile devices, the opportunity to connect with audiences on the mobile SERP is vast. Mobile devices have officially altered the customer path to purchase for good. Users are even reaching for their mobile devices over their desktops while they�re at home - mobile devices are just part of our nature now. No industry has felt this shift more than retail as 61% of all time spent on retail sites occurs from a mobile device.

The Rise of Immersive Ads

Mobile advertisers know that in today�s crowded digital landscape it is difficult to grab audience�s attentions. However, the rise of immersive ads can change that. Mobile users like to be immersed in experiences, and one of the most efficient ways of transporting audiences is through 360 degree view photography. 360 degree photography is already permeating the social landscape, and in 2016 ad tech companies began testing the limits of VR and 360 degree views within mobile ad formats. Early adopters of these formats include the New York Times and Vice, and more brands are clamoring to find solutions to offer a highly engaging, all-encompassing experience within their own mobile ad offerings. 2016 was the year in which these formats were first explored, and it looks like 2017 will be the year that they are perfected and adopted by the masses.

Precision Targeting

Today�s consumers want immediacy; whether it�s fast search results or quick-to-load websites, mobile users don�t want to waste time connecting with brands. Luckily, the rise of geo-targeted mobile ads is helping brands deliver to the level of consumers� expectations. Geo-targeted PPC campaigns allows brands to target local users within a certain radius; and because these consumers are searching from close-by, the odds of them engaging with a highly relevant ad increase exponentially. In fact, according to a 2016 Google Study, 76% of people who conduct mobile searches for nearby businesses visit within a 24-hour window. Google�s recent location ad extension enhancements, including in-map ads and local finder results, make it easier than ever to, quite literally, put your business on the mobile map.

In-App Ads

As the number of Smartphone owners grows, so does the number of downloaded apps. Smartphone ads rely on apps to do everything from shop, game, communicate, and organize. Many brands now offer proprietary mobile apps in addition to responsive mobile sites. Many industry insiders consider in-app mobile offerings to be the future of advertising because 84% of all time spent on smartphones is spent within apps. It�s not just that more people are spending more time in apps, advertisers are also recognizing the inherent value of in-app ads due to location data. Many apps have access to location data which means that advertisers can deliver more relevant and personalized ads. Let�s say an app user is reading the latest news stories in- app and is within a four-block radius of an advertiser�s coffee shop location; that advertiser can serve them an ad encouraging them to enjoy their news with a cup of coffee.

Mobile devices aren't going anywhere. If recent trends can teach us anything, it's that global mobile dependence will likely only increase. For advertisers to remain relevant and top of mind, they have to figure out creative ways to common mobile users' attentions. Rich images, location-targeting, and in-app ad formats are among the best solutions for resonating with today�s mobile consumers.
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